Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Treehogs...A Sign Of Global Warming

As the earth is warming, many animals will be forced to go to higher ground, or in this case, a tree. I'm just kidding. I had to find some way to tie this photo in with weather since this is the weather blog.

This great photo was sent to us from Henry Whitehurst of Pulaski. No it's not a giant squirrel. It's a groundhog. I had no idea they could climb trees. I've only seen them in meadows, walking on the sides of roads, or in some cases in the middle of the road...upside down (if you know what I mean). Turns out groundhogs will climb a tree to sun itself or to escape a predator.

Who knew? Thanks for the photo Henry. The funniest part would be watching that joker come back down. --Brent

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